The Plasma method is an innovative and revolutionary treatment that helps minimize common signs of aging such as fine lines, sun damage, wrinkles, bothersome moles and acne scars. It is a method where no surgical procedures are required, which makes it an increasingly popular treatment. The entire process is simple, non-invasive, with minimal pain and downtime, producing only mild redness for a few days. This method is perfect for customers which want to get rid of the effects of aging on their skin but are afraid of pain and high costs. There is no heavy healing time required after the treatment.
The Plasma treatment uses the fourth state of matter – plasma. Tissues treated »sublimate« and we avoid spreading unwanted heat to the surrounding areas. This technique uses ionized gases in the air to create a small electrical arch, similar to a tiny lightning bolt, with which dermal and epidermal problematic areas may be treated.
When the electrical arch – plasma – touches the skin surface, the heat widens the acne and is transferred into the epidermis all the way to the papillary layer which contains fibroblast cells. The result is contraction and tightening of the skin cells. Consequently, the excess skin is reduced and the result is comparable to lifting or wrinkle reduction.

The results of the Plasma treatment are permanent and may be visible for years. But we should acknowledge that the aging process is continuous and thus the skin ages every day after the procedure and this cannot be stopped. The results of this method are permanent, but when we talk about mimic facial lines (worry lines) these may recur quickly because muscles are stronger than the skin and cousequently the lines recur.